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Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club

Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club

Why Carding?

Player and Coach Cards are issued via Mid New Jersey Youth Soccer Association (MNJYSA).  The Club pays all card fees to MNJYSA.   Player cards are issued to the club and are held by the Team Manager (for Travel teams) or the Director of Coaching (for Pre-Travel players).  This ensures that all cards arrive at the field for Travel games or Pre-Travel inter-club scrimmages.

It may seem like an extra hassle to have to register your child twice (once to MTSC and once to MNJYSA).  But once this initial hassle is done, life becomes much easier for us and for you.  The key benefits of carding are:

-- A consistent proof of age for all players that is recognized by all clubs, coaches, and referees.
-- Ensures that your child is playing only with appropriately aged players from the other club.
-- An online system so that we at the Club don't have to deal with paper forms, and you don't need to send us paper documents.
-- A consistent liability waiver that you can approve online (again, saves on paper forms).
-- Ability for us to manage team rosters online, and automatically generate game day rosters for referees and coaches to use.
-- Insurance at favorable rates for the Club

Registering with MNJYSA for Player Card

How to Register Travel Team Player into MNJYSA (Stack Sports) in order to get a MTSC Player’s Card for 2018-19 season

1) Log onto

  • You will be sent to Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club webpage that’s run by Stack Sports, in order to register your player for the 2017-18 player card to be issued. 
  • Each player, who has accepted an invitation to play for the 2018-19 Travel Soccer team will be allowed to register for a player card.  If you have any questions along the process please contact our Club Registrar at [email protected]

2) At the top of the page there is a Yellow Button “Member Login” to start the process.

  • Choose the option for Player Registration:
  • You will be asked the following types of information:

  Name of parents and players (please use full name on birth certificate/passport) 
Address, phone number and email of parents
Medical history of player
Doctor’s contact information & health insurance information for player
Select the team that you will be playing on for the 2018-19 season.
**If for some reason you cannot enter the team that you play for, just enter it for the options given you and then send an email to the [email protected] to explain the issue, and she will correct it in the system manually.

3) Once you have completed all the necessary data entry to complete the registration process for your player you will then receive a “confirmation page” which requires you to take STEP 2 and return to the Member Registration page to upload a photo and birth certificate/passport:

  • You must upload a NEW/RECENT headshot of the player
  • You must upload a copy of birth certificate/passport into the system

** Please note that if you do not complete the entire data entry process of player registration, you will most likely have to start all over again. It is very frustrating.  So before you start, please sit down with a copy of your health insurance card, doctor’s phone number, etc… ***

4) If the system does not allow you to register for a team that you are playing in, don’t worry, just register your information in whatever age/gender group that they system will allow you to register and send an email to [email protected] to ask our Registrar  to move you into the correct team/age group.  She will send you a confirming email once this is completed.

5) On a weekly basis during the Summer of 2018-19, our Registrar will check to see who has registered and make sure to pass along the correct players into the correct teams and over to the District Commissioner for document review. So please get your information into our system ASAP but no later than July 21, 2018 to get your player ready for Fall 2018 season (First tournaments will be on Sept 8-9, 2018).

6) SAGE form ("Set a Good Example") is not longer a requirement by MNJYSA in order to get a player carded as of this coming year.  However, here is the link: Player & Parents' SAGE form so that you will understand that purposes of what Set a Good Example means for your players.  In the future, MNJYSA may require all players and coaches to sign these again. 

Coach Registration for Coach's Card

Coach's requirements to get a Coach’s Card for 2018-19 season (**Please read item #5 below)

1) Log onto

  • You will be sent to Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club webpage that’s run by Stack Sports, in order to register yourself for the 2018-19 coach’s card to be issued. 
  • Each coach who enters his/her name into the system will be asked a series of information that is necessary for a private references checking company to do a background check on them.  Stack Sports is using the company References Services to do the confidential background check on ALL coaches. 
  • If you have any questions along the process please contact our Club Registrar at [email protected]

2) At the top of the page there is a Yellow Button “Member Login” to start the process.

  • Choose the option for Coach Registration:
  • You will be asked to type in the following information, which the background check people deem necessary to do an adequate background check on volunteers who work with children:

Name, Address, contact information
Driver’s License
Social Security Number
History in soccer and work with children

  • Please note that clubs have been reassured that no one in the club, the league or the NJYSA  has access to this confidential information. It is a secure website that is accessed by the background checking company to make sure that the individual is who s/he says s/he is and does not have any offenses that would bar him/her from working with children.

3) Once you have completed all the necessary data entry to complete the registration process for yourself as a coach, you will then receive a “confirmation page” which requires you to take STEP 2 and return to the Member Registration page to upload a photo and 2 documents:

  • You must upload a headshot of yourself
  • You must upload a copy of your coaching license into the system
  • You must upload a copy of your concussion safety certificate into the system (Based on online course with CDC, link is below)

3) Coach’s must take a concussion safety course online and get a certificate of completion. Here is the free course on the CDC CDC Concussion Course Just make sure to printout the certificate (which is dated as to when you finished it). Scan it and send a copy of it to [email protected]

4) Send a copy of your coaching license to [email protected]. Coach’s licensing classes are held throughout the summer, consider signing up for one ASAP for the summer, so that you can get your F license ASAP check out NJYSA F license class listing

  • Please have your parent volunteer coach pay the fee and attend the course. 
  • The club will reimburse the $45 cost of the course for your team volunteer coach parent once the course is finished. Just cc a copy of the new coaching license to the Club Treasurer at, as you send it to the registrar at [email protected]

5) Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse (new law as of 2018)
Mandates that any adult interacting with an amateur athlete (under age 18) in our sports program has a duty to report  a reasonable suspicion of physical or sexual abuse within a 24 hour of awareness.  EVERY ADULT is now a Mandatory Reporter under federal law and the adult must report to the following six places:
1.  Local Law Enforcement (Montgomery Township Police Dept) at (908) 874-3333
2.  New Jersey Department of Children and Family at (877) NJ-ABUSE (1-877-652-2873)
3. Local Child Protective Services (Somerset County, NJ) (908) 526-5030
4. Our Club Risk Manager (Secretary of MTSC) at [email protected]
5. NJYS Office at [email protected]
6. National Governing Body of US Soccer Integrity Hotline at (312) 528- 7004

Uniforms for Travel 2017-2018

Please order your uniform for the 2017-2018 Travel Season.

  • Go to

  • New Parent must sign in as a new customer.
    This only needs to be done once. Once done parents can sign in as a returning customer

  • Enter player name,  select search player and add player to your list
    (If player is not found, please reach out to the club registrar at [email protected])

  • Select Order
  • Click on required kit
  • Select the correct sizes for each item 

 Please feel free to add additional items. If you have any issues with the site or ordering please email anytime [email protected]

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club
PO Box 243 
Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502

Phone: 908-845-4625
Email: [email protected]

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